The toddler tantrum

tantrum-slideWe’ve all seen it; the kicking, the screaming, the uncontrollable crying. It makes a parent shudder. It gives us a feeling of helplessness. It makes us worry that our child will always be “out of control.” Relax, mom and dad. This is an important developmental stage for your toddler.  He is learning to express his own opinions. He is learning that he is separate from you. He is no longer the baby that calmly sits in the car seat or is willing to sit in the stroller. He is a ball of action and he wants to choose his own direction. It is your job to contain this need for control in a safe manner.

So, how does a parent know what to do? Self-control is a skill your child will be learning throughout his life. Here are some tips from that outline some positive strategies for you to use as your child grows. Add these tips to your ever-expanding parenting toolbox: Responding to Defiance and Oppositional Behavior: What You Can Do

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