Making a successful transition to Kindergarten

apr16-providermtgLast month we took a peek into Full Day Kindergarten. This month, Jennifer Kelly from ESD 123, will follow up with ideas for successful kindergarten transitions, and describe the state’s kindergarten entrance process known as WA KIDS. Please join us for this important meeting as we learn how to best help preschoolers and their families transition to the “big school.”

April 21, 2016
Richland High School Library
630 Long Ave, Richland

Please Join Us!
FREE training and STARS hours. No Pre-registration Needed.

PFEL offers monthly provider meetings for early care and early education providers August through June. Participants receive STARS hours as well as materials, ideas, activities, and the opportunity to network with other early learning professionals. Provider Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of the month at the Richland High School library. There is no cost to attend. Check the calendar for scheduled meetings.

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